Tuesday 10 December 2013

Get that Christmas Feeling......

When decorating your living room for Christmas your fireplace can be a central feature in your room; with over 25 years experience in the design, manufacture and installation of fireplaces Lamartine Fireplaces, Fires and Stoves make the following recommendations:

  • Clear your fireplace of clutter.
  • Place your desired  decorations on the fireplace ensuring that you keep them away from any naked flame or heat source.
  • If you are lighting your fire or stove remove all flammable decorations from the immediate area
  • Always use a fireguard when your fire is lit, call to Lamartine Fireplaces and see our range.
  • Extinguish all candles when leaving the room.
  • Ensure you clean your fireplace regularly, at least once a year contact Lamartine Fireplaces, Fires and Stoves to book your chimney sweep and appliance service.
Reims Fireplace by Lamartine
Reims Fireplace @ Lamartine Fireplaces, Fires and Stoves.

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