Thursday 12 December 2013

Mrs looking for a Lamartine Stove this Christmas.

Lamartine Fireplaces, Fires and Stoves are now booked out for pre-Christmas installations and chimney cleaning..... however when we return in January we will be having a SALE.  Details will follow over the next few days. 

However in the meantime what do you think of Mrs Claus's letter to Santa?.  He's a difficult man to get at this time of year so she like all the boys and girls sent her letter this year.

Mrs Claus's Letter to Santa.

Let us know what you would like on your Christmas wish list...

 Lamartine Fireplaces, Fires and Stoves, Ballymount Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Get that Christmas Feeling......

When decorating your living room for Christmas your fireplace can be a central feature in your room; with over 25 years experience in the design, manufacture and installation of fireplaces Lamartine Fireplaces, Fires and Stoves make the following recommendations:

  • Clear your fireplace of clutter.
  • Place your desired  decorations on the fireplace ensuring that you keep them away from any naked flame or heat source.
  • If you are lighting your fire or stove remove all flammable decorations from the immediate area
  • Always use a fireguard when your fire is lit, call to Lamartine Fireplaces and see our range.
  • Extinguish all candles when leaving the room.
  • Ensure you clean your fireplace regularly, at least once a year contact Lamartine Fireplaces, Fires and Stoves to book your chimney sweep and appliance service.
Reims Fireplace by Lamartine
Reims Fireplace @ Lamartine Fireplaces, Fires and Stoves.